Palestine: Land soaked in blood

In 1947, the UN adopted a resolution on the plan for the division of Palestine. Britain was phasing down its…

In 1947, the UN adopted a resolution on the plan for the division of Palestine. Britain was phasing down its mandate in that territory, and two independent states, the Jewish state, and the Arab state should have emerged instead. At this point in time, an active confrontation between the two nations begins, which continues to this day. But to deeply understand what is happening, let’s try to understand what is this Palestine, around which today is one of the most brutal military conflicts of our time.

Who are the Palestinians? Originally, this word meant the ancient Philistines. Those are the ones that are so common in biblical stories. If we do not take into account the Bible and turn to the versions of world scientists, the Philistines are a nomadic people who occurred in Ancient Greece, lived for some time in Crete and Egypt. But as a result, they had settled on the Eastern shore of the Mediterranean sea – the territory of present-day Palestine and Israel. In this territory there already existed an ancient country of Canaan or as it is called today – the Jewish “Promised Land”. The Philistines established their so-called “Philistine” state here. But in fact, it was a coalition of five cities (Ekron, Ashdod, Ashkelon, Gat, and Gaza). In a new place, they began to establish their settled life. They were mainly engaged in smelting iron, creating iron chariots and weapons. At one time, this people was under the oppression of Babylon and Persia and finally disappeared from this territory as a result of the conquest of Alexander the Great in the fourth century BC.

In the second century BC, the Romans conquered this territory, which was then inhabited by Jews, and renamed it Palestinian Syria. And in 683 the first representatives of the Arab nation appeared in these surroundings. Then this area became known as the province of Falastin of the Arab Caliphate. The Arabs were replaced by crusaders who created the Kingdom of Jerusalem here. After them, Palestine became part of the Ottoman Empire.

After the collapse of the Ottoman Empire as a result of the First world war, control over the territory of Palestine takes Britain. Meanwhile, a Zionist movement is emerging in Europe – the Jewish people are increasingly asserting their rights to their own state in the territory where their ancestors lived. At the end of the 19th century, the Jews began to come here actively. And, soon the Second world war broke out in the world, known for the most mass extermination of the Jewish people in the history of the world. As a result of the Holocaust, escaping from death, the Jews masse go here. After that, the confrontation between Jews and Arabs begins, who were categorically against the settlement of the territory by the Jewish.

This growing conflict leads to the fact that Britain refuses the mandate over Palestine and transfers this issue to the UN. And the General Assembly of the United Nations, in 1947, adopted the resolution referred to at the outset.

By the way, in parallel to this plan, an alternative scenario was proposed. On the territory of Palestine, a Federal state was to be created in which Jews and Arabs would live together. After all, then the UN Special Commission concluded that these two nations have reasonable rights and claims to the territory of Palestine. Indeed, the Jews believed that their land historically. And the Arabs lived here in the last centuries and also considered it their own, not understanding why they should accept the neighborhood of another nation. The plan to create a Federal state has failed. The parties did not agree. Then the UN rigidly divides the territory between the two nations. On that time, the population of Palestine was 1.2 million Arabs and more than 600 thousand Jews. According to the plan, 55% of the territory was given to the Jewish state, which was supposed to live not only Jews but also about 400 thousand Arabs and 90 thousand of Bedouin nomads. In Jerusalem, which was equally sacred to the two nations, was supposed to have the same number of Arabs and Jews.

The British mandate over Palestine ended on 14 May 1948. On the same day, David Ben-Gurion proclaimed the establishment of an independent Jewish state of Israel. In these days, hundreds of thousands of Arabs have left their homes. They call these days “Nakba” or “disaster”. Israel claims that no one expelled the Arabs, they were pressured by the leaders of Arab countries, forcing them to leave the territory in order to create conditions for the upcoming invasion of the Arab armies. The League of Arab countries had indeed sent troops into Palestinian territory and the Arab-Israeli war had begun.

In 1967, a Six-Day war broke out in which Israel defeated the Arab coalition and seized the Gaza Strip, East Jerusalem, the West Bank of the Jordan river, and at the same time the Golan Heights and the Sinai Peninsula. Later, the Sinai Peninsula was returned to Egypt. As a result, several of the intifadas, the Jews left the Gaza Strip.

Today, Palestine is fighting for the establishment of its independent state on the territory of the West Bank of the Jordan and the Gaza Strip. At the same time, the most inhumane methods are used – terrorists and children are often used, in military operations. Nevertheless, 137 of the 193 UN member States have already recognized the independence of the state. However, the territory of the Gaza Strip is now governed by the Palestinian Islamist movement “Hamas”. This organization is recognized as the terrorist in Israel, Canada, the USA, Japan, and the European Union. At the same time, in Russia, where even Jehovah’s Witnesses are recognized as extremists, Hamas is a legitimate partner for negotiations. Their goal is to destroy the state of Israel as such.

One of the key points of disagreement is that both Palestine and Israel consider Jerusalem their capital. The World States have their embassies in Israel, mainly in Tel Aviv, believing that it is necessary to negotiate the status of the city with both sides. However, the United States decided to take a cardinal step and with the arrival of President Donald Trump, Washington moved its Embassy to Jerusalem, thereby recognizing this city as the capital of Israel. Such actions of America caused unrest on the Palestinian-Israeli border. Then dozens of people were killed, thousands were wounded.

Which countries support Palestine? Almost the entire Middle East. And if you think about it, these are the countries that support terrorists in one way or another. Same Iran does not spare money to finance Hamas, which is at war with Israel. Turkey also actively supports Palestine, especially the Gaza Strip. Russia, in contrast to the United States, is on the side of the Arab people and strongly supports their confrontation with Israel.

Today, the world community is developing regular plans to resolve the conflict between Israel and Palestine. Thus, it has recently become known that the United States has developed a comprehensive peace plan, which it is going to publish in April, after the Israeli elections. However, the actual Palestinian government is opposed to US intervention in the conflict.

In fact, it is difficult to imagine any scenario that would suit the two sides and bring peace to these territories. Too deep and serious strife between Jews and Arabs. The military attitude against each other already exists at the level of blood, from childhood. The Arab nation tells this story from their side, the Jewish nation has its own version of what is happening. And here it is not just the territory, but the fact that these people can not reconcile with the existence of each other. And they will have a separate independent state – hatred and war still will not stop.