Explosion injures 25 in German city of Blankenburg

Explosion injures 25 in German city of Blankenburg

At least 25 people were injured on Friday in an explosion in a residential building in the German city of Blankenburg, police said, Euronews reports.

Authorities said the explosion took place at 08:55 CET in an apartment building in Blankenburg, central Germany. Evacuations were still taking place an hour later, police added.

A daycare centre next to the building was also evacuated with police assuring that there “were no injuries, all children were picked up by their parents.”

#Update #Blankenburg1312 Bei der #Explosion wurden 25 Bewohner zum Teil schwer verletzt. Im Polizeirevier Harz in Halberstadt wurde ein Einsatzstab eingerichtet. Gegenwärtig werden der Unglücksbereich weiträumig abgesperrt und weitere Bewohner evakuiert. pic.twitter.com/uHxTUUSwUi

— Polizei Magdeburg (@Polizei_MD) 13 декабря 2019 г.

The cause of the explosion is not yet known.