Bastille Day: Macron hails common European defence in July 14 address

Bastille Day: Macron hails common European defence in July 14 address

President Emmanuel Macron spoke of the importance of common defence and security on Sunday as he marked Bastille Day celebrations in France, Euronews reports.

In his annual July 14 message, he said: “Not since the end of the Second World War has Europe been so necessary.”

His message was posted online as he prepared to host other world leaders at a military parade in Paris.

“Building European defense, in connection with the Atlantic Alliance … is a priority for France,” he said.

“It is the theme of this parade. Acting together and strengthening our ability to act collectively is one of the challenges that the European Intervention Initiative, along with other key European projects, wants to address.”

On Saturday, Macron announced the launch of a new space military command that would eventually be part of his country’s air force.

The 14th of July is full of fireworks and celebrations, but what is it all about?

We breakdown the meaning of #BastilleDay

— euronews (@euronews) 13 июля 2019 г.

Sunday’s events were expected to begin with a fixed-wing air show at 10.35, followed by a march, then helicopters at 11.35 and a mounted procession at 11.45.

There were no visible #GiletsJaunes protests as the parade began, but there were reports of isolated clashes between protesters and police, and booing, as Macron passed by.

Bastille Day commemorates the storming of the Bastille prison in 1789 by a mob of Parisians during the opening stages of the French Revolution. The anniversary became a national day in 1880 and is marked by parades, speeches, parties and fireworks.

The major public event is the military parade down the Champs Elysees in Paris.

Chaque #14Juillet, la Nation honore celles et ceux qui s’engagent pour la protéger, celles et ceux qui incarnent au quotidien ces valeurs inscrites sur nos étendards : Honneur et Patrie. Mon message aux Français :

— Emmanuel Macron (@EmmanuelMacron) 14 июля 2019 г.